273 Following

Linda Hilton

Reader, Writer, Merciless Reviewer and Incurable Romantic


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Currently reading

The Man They Wanted Me To Be: Toxic Masculinity and a Crisis of Our Own Making
Jared Yates Sexton
Progress: 13 %
Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding
Steven K. Green
Progress: 67/328 pages
Significant Others
Sandra Kitt
Progress: 34 %
Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America
Nancy MacLean
Progress: 134/574 pages
The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance
Northrop Frye
Progress: 43/200 pages
All the President's Men
Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward
Progress: 73/383 pages
Women's Gothic and Romantic Fiction: A Reference Guide (American Popular Culture)
Kay Mussell
Progress: 17/157 pages
The Looking-Glass Portrait
Linda Hilton
Really Neat Rocks: A casual introduction to the rocks & gems of Arizona and the lapidary arts
Linda Hilton
Progress: 61/61 pages
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith
Jon Krakauer

Ghosts! Haunted Houses! Romantic Suspense! (Contemporary) Gothic!

The Looking-Glass Portrait - Linda Hilton

I am terrible at self promotion.  I feel queasy even doing this much.


But I'm screwing up my courage, because yes, this is my book and it fits a whole bunch of Halloween Bingo squares.  (And if I do say so myself, it's a fun read, with no graphic violence or sex.)  (And I never read the reviews!)


The Looking-Glass Portrait


When Thomasina Ryder inherits her grandmother's house, she expects to quickly arrange for the sale of the estate. She soon learns the disposal of her legacy will be a more complicated process than she expected. And nothing could complicate matters more than the return into Thomasina's life of a forbidden love from the past.

The further she delves into the secrets of that past, the more she is made aware of something sinister and hidden, never to be spoken of even in whispers. She begins to suspect this secret is connected to the silent forms she has seen moving in the old house, from the corner of her eye or in the distorted reflection of a mirror. Then, as her investigations bear fruit, the shadows in the mirrors become more threatening.